Runtime Save & Load

You can find the save/load settings in the Databrain editor.

To serialize your data to a Json file, you can simply call the Save method on the DataLibrary object and pass a path including save file as parameter. The same goes for loading the data back. Please see the following example code:

public class SaveLoadManager : MonoBehaviour
    public DataLibrary data;
    public string filename = "savegame.json";
    void Start()
    void Ready()
        data.OnLoaded += DataLoaded;
        data.OnSaved += DataSaved;
    // Call this method to save the data
    public void Save()
        // Create save path
        var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, filename);
        // Save data
    // Call this method to load data back
    public void Load()
        // Create save path
        var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, filename);
        // Load data
    // Called after data has been loaded
    void DataLoaded()
        Debug.Log("Data loaded");
        // Do something with it
    // Called after data has been saved
    void DataSaved()
        Debug.Log("Data saved");

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