Field attributes


Enables a useful dropdown field with additional features such as unassign, create new and find DataObject. When using this attribute outside of a DataObject - like in a MonoBehaviour, it is necessary to add a reference to the DataLibrary object and pass the name of the DataLibrary field.

  • dataLibraryFieldName: the name of the data library field

  • includeSubtypes: if true, dropdown also shows derived types

  • tooltip: set an additional etooltip

public class Enemy : MonoBehaviour
    public DataLibrary data;
    public EnemyData enemyData;


Use the ExposeToInspector attribute to mark fields which should be displayed in the popup inspector on the DataObjectDropdown property drawer.

public EnemyData : DataObject
       public int health;
       public int speed;
       public GameObject prefab
       public Vector3 position;


Mark fields which should be serialized by Databrain to a file with the [DatabrainSerialize] attribute. Only fields of DataObjects which are in the runtime-DataLibrary will be serialized.

public EnemyData : DataObject
       public int health;
       public int speed;
       public GameObject prefab
       public Vector3 position;


Set a border around a field

  • borderWidth: The width of the border

  • color: The color of the border


Create a horizontal line with custom width and color

  • height: height of the line

  • color: color of the line (DatabrainColor)

Create a dropdown selection

// string
private List<string> dropdownOptions = new List<string> { "A", "B", "C" };

public string dropdown;

// integer
private List<int> dropdownIntOptions = new List<int> { 0, 1, 2 };

public int dropdownNumber;


Group fields by foldouts (only works in the Databrain editor)

public AnimationCurve curve1;
public AnimationCurve curve2;

public int numberOne;
public int numberTwo;


Shows an info box.

  • infoBoxtype: The type of the infoBox (InfoBoxType.Normal / InfoBoxType.Warning / InfoBoxType.Error

  • text: The text message


Shows an enum selection toggle group for choosing multiple enums.

public enum TerrainType
    none = 0,
    sand = 1,
    earth = 2,
    water = 4,
    rock = 8

public TerrainType terrainType;


Hides a field


Shows a layer dropdown.

public string layer;
public int layerInt;


Create a slider with min and max value


Create a scene dropdown field


Creates a preview window of assigned game object

  • width

  • height


Creates a tag dropdown field.

public string tag;


Creates a multiline textfield


Adds a title to the field with an optional border.

  • title

  • borderColor

  • textColor

Last updated