
Just like with any other DataObject you can create your own Actor classes with additional data by deriving from the ActorData type.

Each dialogue text can have an actor assigned. To create an actor simply select the Actors type in the hierarchy and click on "+ Create".


For each actor you can assign a portrait for each emotion. To create additional emotions please read following documentation -> Emotions

Audio Properties

In a dialogue text you can either assign an audio clip or enable the gibberish voice option.

Audio Source Game Object Name

This must be the gameObject name in the scene which has an AudioSource component assigned to. This AudioSource must be assigned to the DialogueController component to the AudioSources list.

Gibberish Voice

Gibberish is nonsense sounds or writing. Often used in indie games instead of real spoken audio.

If "Use Gibberish Voice Clips" is enabled, the dialogue controller will use the assigned gibberish voice clips in the actor audio properties.

The gibberish voice clips should consist of very short noises/beeps. See the included gibbersh voice clips from the demo scene: Dialogue / _DEMO / Voices

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