
using Databrain.Stats;

public class StatsModifier : DataObject{}

Modifiers can modify a StatsValue depending on the modifier type.


The value of the modifier


The type of the modifier

Type: Flat

Adds the modifier value to the base value: Stats Value: 5

Modifier 1: 5

Modifier 2: 5


New Stats Value = 15

Type: Percent Add

Adds all modifier values of type PercentAdd before multiplying the base stats value with the sum of it:

Stats Value: 10

Modifier 1: 0.5

Modifier 2: 0.5 --------------- New Stats Value = 20 (Rounded) 10 * (0.5 + 0.5) = 10 -> 10 + 10 = 20

Type: Percent Mult

Multiplies the base value with the modifier value: Stats Value: 10 Modifier1: 0.5 Modifier2: 0.5


New Value = 23 (Rounded)

10 * 0.5 = 5 -> 5 + 10 = 15 -> 15 * 0.5 = 7.5 -> 7.5 + 15 = 22.5


If enabled, multiple modifiers of this type can be added at the same time.


Define in which order modifiers are being added to the stats value

Has Duration

If true, this modifier is active for a certain duration. After that, it gets removed from the stats value automatically.


The duration a modifier stays active.

Add a modifier

Please read the stat value section to know how to add a modifier to a stat value.


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