
using Databrain.Stats;

public class StatsAchievement : DataObject {}

The achievements data type lets you easily create unlockable achievements. Simply define the max score an achievement must reach to get unlocked. Use the following API to add points and listen to an unlocked event:

  1. Create a new achievement data object.

  2. Assign the total score and create a new OnAchievementUnlocked event.

Stats add-on comes with a dedicated StatsEvents type which contains either the unlcoked achievement, a new value or a new progression.

  1. OPTIONAL: If you have installed the Logic add-on, you can also add a custom logic which gets called on achievement unlocked.


Add achievement points

AddPoints(int _points);

public class AddAchievementPoints : MonoBehaviour    
    public DataLibrary data;
    public StatsAchievement achievement;
    public int points;

    // Directly add points to the achievement.
    // Do not worry about initial or runtime data. The points are automatically added
    // to the runtime data object
    public void AddPoints()

The points are automatically added to the runtime data object of the achievement data object.


Listen to the StatsEvents OnAchievementUnlocked

public class UIAchievement : MonoBehaviour
    public DataLibrary data;

    public StatsEvents OnAchievementUnlocked;
    public void Start()
        data.OnDataInitialized += DataReady;

    void DataReady()
        // Register to the event
    // New achievement has been unlocked
    void NewAchievement(StatsEventData _data)
        var _newAchievement = _data.newAchievement;
        Debug.Log("Achievement unlocked: " + _newAchievement.title);



Get the current score of the achievement


Get whether achievement is unlocked or not.

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