Getting Started
First steps
First you'll need to create a dialogue graph and setup the dialogue sequences with text. Follow the next steps to create a simple conversation.
Create a DataLibrary -> Project View, right click: Create / Databrain / New DataLibrary
Open the DataLibrary and select the Dialogues type in the hierarchy view and create a new DataObject.
A node editor opens up with three default nodes already added (OnStart, OnExitDialouge, ExitDialogue)
OnStart: This is the first node which gets executed when the dialogue starts.
OnExitDialogue: This is an event node which gets called when user manually calls TriggerOnExitDialogue on the DialogueController. (For example from the Dialogue UI, exiting the dialogue)
ExitDialogue: Calls the OnDialogueFinished method on the IDialogueUIControl interface, which quits the dialogue UI.
Now let's add some texts. Click on the DialogueData tab in the node editor inspector. Inside of this tab you'll find all relevant Dialogue data, sequences and other properties.
If you have the Localization Add-on installed you'll also see some additional localization features. Such as the Google Translation feature.
Create a new sequence by clicking on "Add New Sequence" and open up the foldout.
Now you can either add a new dialogue text or a new choice. Let's add a new dialogue text first.
A sequence consists of multiple dialogue texts and choices. Choices will always be displayed at the last dialogue text. A sequence can then be assigned to a node dialogue in the Dialogue Node Editor.
Open the newly created dialogue text foldout. Here you can define all properties for the current dialogue text. Such as the actor, emotion and duration. But of course also the actual text. Let's add some text: "Hi my name is John."
You can also create a new actor from the actor property field by clicking on the "+" icon. Inspect the newly created actor (magnifier icon) and give him a name.
Add another dialogue text, this time it's Nick answering back: "Nice to meet you John, my name is Nick!"
You can now click and drag the sequence on to the node canvas, by holding the mouse button down on the little hand icon next to the sequence and dragging it onto the canvas.
A new dialogue node has been created with the correct sequence already assigned.
Connect the On Start node with the dialogue node.
To make sure the UI controller will exit the dialogue correctly you'll need to connect the default output of the node with the ExitDialogue node.
Each node has a (DEFAULT) output. The default output node will be called if:
A. No choices available and user just skips current text.
B. No choices are available and the property: "Skip To Next Node Directly" is set to true. This can be useful if your next dialogue node assigned sequence, only has choices to show instead of a dialogue text. In this case, the last dialogue text will stay with the new choices from the next dialogue.
C. Choices are available and there's a choices countdown. If the countdown runs up, the Default output will be called.
Your dialogue graph is now ready. Please proceed with the Runtime Setup tutorial.
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