Assembly Defintion
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It is possible to add the FlowReactor folder into it’s own assembly definition, but because of third-party addons dependencies like Databox and DOTween you’ll have to create the assembly defintion by yourself. Depending on if you are using Databox and/or DOTween.
if you don’t use any of the FlowReactor addons (Databox or DOTween) simply follow these steps:
Open the FlowReactor folder in your project view.
Right click in the project view and select Create -> Assembly Definition
Name it to FlowReactor and select the newly created assembly definition.
You will now have to add the Odin serializer asmdef file to the assembly defintion references. Click on the “+”
Navigate to FlowReactor / Core / Runtime / Data / FlowReactor.OdinSerializer
Drag the asmdef file “FlowReactor.OdinSerializer” to the reference field of the FlowReactor asmdef file.
Click apply
Please follow the above steps to create the FlowReactor assembly definition. Databox comes with an assembly definition by default. If you are using the FlowReactor – Databox addon you simply have to add the Databox assembly definition located in the Databox root folder to the FlowReactor assembly definition references.
DOTween has it’s own setup window where you can automatically create the correct assembly definition setup for DOTween.
In the Unity editor select: Tools / Demigiant / DOTween Utility Panel
In the utility window select “create asmdef files”
After the files have been created, select the FlowReactor asmdef file and add the DOTween.Modules asmdef (Located at: DOTween / Modules) to the FlowReactor assembly definition references.
Click apply