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Called when node is created in a graph
Called when node is being executed. This is where your custom code belongs to when creating custom nodes.
Parameters | Description |
Execute the next node which is connected on the nodes output port.
Parameters | Description |
Called by FlowReactorComponent OnDisable
Similar to the Monobehaviour Awake. Gets called on initialization on every node in all graphs and subgraphs. No matter if the sub-graph is currently active or not
OnGraphStart should be only used by the OnStart node. Unlike the OnInitialization, OnStart only gets called in the root graph and only if the graph is active.
Similar to the Monobehaviour Update method. Gets called on every frame.
Similar to the Monobehaviour LateUpdate method.
Similar to the Monobehaviour FixedUpdate method.
Gets called on application quit
Editor method which gets called when the node has been selected.
Editor method. Gets called when node gets deleted
Override this method to create custom node inspector GUIs
Draws the default node GUI. Override this method to add custom GUI Elements
The actual FlowReactor component which executes this graph in the scene
Enum _outpuEnum
Pass the output port as an enum (see example below)
int _output
The output port index
FlowReactorComponent _flowReactor
The current FlowReactor component