
FRVariable attributes can be used as variable decorators which are displayed in the inspector. This can be quite handy if you want to create your own custom GUI drawing like a custom slider, button or dropdown. See the FRFloatRange attribute for example.


[Title("My Variable")]
public FRFloat floatVariable;

Draw a title on top of the variable.


[HelpBox("This is a help message",]
public FRFloat floatVariable;

Draw a helpbox on top of the variable.


[OpenURL("Title", "")]
public FRFloat floatVariable;

Draw a gui button which opens a webpage.


public FRFloat floatVariable;

Hide the variable field in the inspector


public FRFloat floatVariable;

Hide the variable field in the node.


public FRString log;
public FRString log2;

Combine multiple variables in foldable groups


[FRFloatRange(0f, 10f)]
public FRFloat myFloat;

Draw a float field slider.


[FRIntRange(0f, 10f)]
public FRInt myInt;

Draw an int field slider.


public FRGameObject prefab;

Allow only scene object references to be assigned.

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